Wisdom and Tips – TTT’s First Anniversary with Bonnie Brill, Ep #13

July is the first anniversary of Tech Talent Today! I’m your host, Jodi Kulek Mayer, and I started the podcast during the pandemic as a way for people to learn and get ideas from each other’s journeys. To celebrate, I thought it would be fun to reflect on the past year and discuss some highlights that resonated with me and our listeners. I’m excited to be joined by Bonnie Brill, who works here at Clearmont Technologies and has extensive experience in the IT staffing industry. You may have seen Bonnie on our Interviewing for Zoom video, which gives helpful hints for video interviews. She’s helping me reflect on the past year’s great podcast guests and episodes. You won’t want to miss these highlights.

You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in…

  • Career goals in difficult times [02:59]
  • The benefits of working in office or at home [05:50]
  • Building work relationships [09:16]
  • Making a difference [11:37]
  • Late changes in a career [14:36]
  • Hiring managers want authenticity [18:19]
  • Doing better with data [21:29]

Learning from others’ experiences

When the podcast started and we were bringing in brilliant industry leaders, we thought the topics would be primarily work-related. However, we found that everyone had a story to share about real problems and how they solved them. These examples don’t just help in the workplace but can help people in their day-to-day lives. Even a work problem can translate into applicable wisdom in our lives.

The challenges faced by our first guest were a great example of being prepared when life throws a curveball. Juliette Samson was on her journey to becoming CIO when her daughter needed a kidney transplant. Juliette continued to work full-time while managing her daughter’s medical needs; through it all, she still achieved her career goals. She’s a living example of the value of tenacity and the importance of believing there is a way.

Preparing the next part of your career

Episode 8 with Gary Beumee resonated with many people because it was about staying flexible and making a move later in a career. He had reached the point where he had done every role he was eligible and qualified to do in the company, so he decided to move somewhere else for a new set of challenges. Because it was later in his career, he knew it was best to make a move as soon as possible because it would be more difficult the longer he waited.

How many people do you know have second acts in life where they’re looking for a change or something beyond their control has changed? They need to restart themselves, midlife or beyond, and do something completely different than they did in the first half of their lives. More people than you think have to step into a second act type of situation, and that change can be scary. Hiring managers want to see that sort of initiative into the unknown. Many ask for someone comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty. That skill is hard to interview for, but in today’s market, it’s a trait people need.

Authenticity in the hiring marketplace

Some of my clients want people to come back to the office in a hybrid situation, but I’ve noticed more and more pushback from the candidates. Recruiting for these clients has become more challenging. It’s a candidate marketplace, and most candidates want to keep working at home. In episode 7 with Kate Horstman, Kate and I discussed how working remotely can hold back a career, especially for a manager. Interacting with people is key to understanding and building relationships, so the best way to move forward with a management career is likely to work in the office.

In the hiring marketplace, people want to know what makes you tick, what motivates you, and how you solve problems. In episode 11 with Adam Stanley, Adam shared that his first question in almost every interview is asking for the person’s story. The desire for authenticity is a trend I’ve seen in the marketplace. Hiring managers want to know who you are. They want to see who the person will be when they’re not trying to present themselves in a certain way. In those cases, it’s best to let your personality shine through.

When you think that someone should do something, consider that you probably are that person. #Initiative #Leadership Share on X

Resources & People Mentioned

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